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Dr. Sigrid Wadauer, Privatdoz.

Dr. Sigrid Wadauer, Privatdoz.

Senior scientist at the Department of Economic and Social History, University of Vienna.

Education and academic diploma

Habilitation, University of Vienna (Venia docendi: social and economic history).
Dr. phil., University of Vienna. Thesis: Die Tour des Autobiographen. Der Raum der Gesellenmobilität im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert.
Mag. phil., University of Vienna. Thesis: „Wilde der Civilisation“. Zur Frage klassenrassistischer Deutungsmuster in Diskursen über das „Proletariat“.
Study of History at the University of Vienna.

Professional experience

Research as research assistant, principal investigator and fellow at universities and institutes in Austria (Salzburg, Vienna), Germany, USA.
Teaching at the universities of Vienna and Salzburg.

Research projects

As principal investigator

„Categorizing, Registering and Reporting of Mobility and Stay.” Austrian Science Fund (FWF)-Project, grant doi: 10.55776/PAT9328724.
„Co-Producing and Using Identity Documents. Habsburg Monarchy/Austria ca. 1850-1938.” Austrian Science Fund (FWF)-Project, grant doi: 10.55776/P32226 .
2008-2013 / 2015
„The Production of Work. Welfare, Labour-Market and the Disputed Boundaries of Labour (1880-1938).” ERC-2007-starting grant (200918) and FWF-Austrian Science Fund-START-program-project (Y367-G14).
“Work at the Margins. Labour, Non-work and Mobility. Austria 1880-1938.” Elise-Richter-program-project, FWF-Austrian Science Fund (V70-G08).
„Mobilität und Sesshaftigkeit. Praktiken, Kategorien, Diskurse. (Österreich 1880-1938).“ Hertha-Firnberg-programm-project, FWF-Austrian Science Fund (T242-G08).

Research as co-investigator

“Mobility and Earnings in Austria, 1920s and 1930s”, funded by the Jubiläumsfonds der Österreichischen Nationalbank, directed by Josef Ehmer.
“Dismissals and Expulsions from the Labour Market during the Nazi Regime”, on behalf of the Austrian Historikerkommission (Historical Commission), directed by Alexander Mejstrik.
“Foreigners and Strangers, Historical Scenarios”, funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Transport, directed by Josef Ehmer.
“Mobility and Stability within the Viennese Guild Crafts”, funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), directed by Josef Ehmer.
“Age and Generational Relations from a Feudal to an Industrial Society”, funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Transport and Art, directed by Josef Ehmer.

Abroad grants und fellowships

2013- 2014
Fellow at re:work IGK Work and Human Life Cycle in Global History, Humboldt University Berlin.
Visiting Scholar at the University of Trier, SFB 600 „Fremdheit und Armut“.
Visiting Scholar at the Department of History at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. (Fellowship funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture).
1997 and 1998
Visiting fellow at the Graduiertenkolleg „Identitätsforschung“, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg.
Grant for research at the Zentrum für Altersforschung and the Technical University, Berlin.

Other grants and scholarships

Gerda-Henkel-Stiftung-Scholarship („Dokumente und Interaktionen. Arbeits- und Dienstbotenbücher in der Habsburgermonarchie bzw. Österreich ca. 1850-1938.“)
Research grant from the City of Vienna
Junior Fellow at the IFK (International Research Center for Cultural Studies), Vienna.


START-Award FWF/bmwf 2007.

Michael Mitterauer-Preis für Gesellschafts-, Kultur- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte Förderungspreis 2002 for the PhD-Thesis „Die Tour des Autobiographen. Der Raum der Gesellenmobilität im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert. Wien 2001.“

Memberships and academic roles

  • University Council, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt (2013-2018).
  • Young Academy, Austrian Academy of Sciences (2008-2015).
  • Peer reviews for the International Review of Social History, Past and Present, Migration History Journal, German Studies, Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, Continuity and Change, ÖZG, FRIAS, SNF, Austrian Academy of Science, University of Vienna.

Teaching and Supervision

Department of Contemporary History, University of Vienna
Department of History and Political Science, University of Salzburg
Department of Economic and Social History, University of Vienna (From 2015 to 2018 as fixed term and visiting professor)

Topics of lectures, courses and seminars

  • History and historiography of work
  • Migration theories
  • Categories of social inequality and/or difference
  • Life course and (auto-)biography
  • Sources, methods and theories of social and economic history
  • Bureaucratic encounters
  • Formal/informal economy
  • Text- and discourse analysis
  • Statistics and quantification.
  • Mixed methods


Irina Vana: „Gebrauchsweisen der öffentlichen Arbeitsvermittlung. Österreich 1889-1938.“ Vienna, PhD-Thesis 2013.

Georg Schinko: „Differenzierungen von Musizieren und Singen. (Österreich 1918-1938.“ Vienna, PhD-Thesis, 2015.

Jessica Richter: Dienst als Möglichkeit, den Lebensunterhalt zu organisieren. Hauswirtschaftliche, kleingewerbliche und landwirtschaftliche Dienste in Österreich (1918-1938). Vienna, PhD-Thesis, 2017.

Sonja Hinsch: „Recht auf und Pflicht zur Arbeit.“ (Ongoing)


Joachim Wawerda: „Ehrenamtliche Tätigkeiten, Freiwilligenarbeit und Netzwerkhilfe, informelle Tätigkeiten im Seniorenalter“. Vienna, Diplomarbeit, 2017.

Most important workshops and conferences organized

Together with Beate Althammer: “Negotiating Belonging: Local Administrative Practices of Migration Control in Modern Europe”. ESSHC Göteborg (12.-15.4.2023).

“Identity Documents in Use”, International Workshop, University of Vienna (22.-23.9.2022).

Together with Theresa Wobbe: “Categorizing Work and Livelihood”, Session at the ESSHC Valencia (30.3.-2.4.2016).

Together with Andreas Eckert, Josef Ehmer, Nicole Mayer-Ahuja, Lukas Neissl, Brigitte Pellar, und Susan Zimmermann: “Work and Non-Work”, ITH-Conference, Berlin (17.-19.9.2015).

Together with Therese Garstenauer: “Performing and Avoiding Work”, Session at the ESSHC 2014 Wien. (23.-27.4.2014).

Production of Work-Team: “Science at Work. How Academics and Other Specialists Contributed to the Normalization of Work (late 19th and first half of the 20th century).” Workshop, Vienna (10.-11.9.2013).

Together with Josef Ehmer: Workshop „Work“, Forschungsschwerpunktes Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft aus historisch-kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive, Vienna (30.11.2012).

Production of Work-Team: “Work – Employment – Vocation. The Production of Hierarchies and Differences of Livelihood in the 19th and 20th centuries”, Workshop, Vienna (10.-11.2.2012).

“Vagabonds or Migrant Workers? Definitions and Re-Definitions of ‘Tramping’
in Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Europe”, Session at the ESSHC 2010, Ghent (13.-16.4.2010).

Alexander Mejstrik/Sigrid Wadauer (Concept), Institut für Wissenschaft und Kunst (IWK) and Institut Français de Vienne: „Die Sozialwissenschaften und die aktuellen Probleme der Erwerbsarbeit. Reflexion und Intervention/Réflexion et intervention. Les sciences sociales et les problèmes actuels du travail salarié”, Series of lectures, with Gérard Mauger, Fréderic Lebaron, Delphine Serre, Gérard Noiriel, Isabelle Coutant, Gisèle Sapiro, November 2009 – June 2010.

Production of Work-Team: “History of Labour Intermediation. Institutions and Individual Ways of Finding Employment (19th and early 20th centuries)”, Workshop Vienna (27.-28.11.2009).

Production of Work-Team: “Work and Makeshifts”, Workshop, Vienna, (28.-29.11.2008).

„Arbeit und Nicht-Arbeit“, Panel at the 25th Historikertag, St. Pölten (16.-19.9.2008).

Together with Thomas Buchner (Linz): „Eine Neuerfindung der Arbeit?“ at the Kulturgeschichtetag in Linz (8.-11.9.2007).

Together with Josef Ehmer (Vienna): „Möglichkeiten einer reflexiven historischen Migrationsforschung“, University of Salzburg (5.5.-6.5.2006).

Together with Malou Schrover (Leiden): “Continuity and Change of Spatial Mobility around World War I”, 2 panels at the ESSHC 2006, Amsterdam (22.-25.3.2006).

Together with Philip R. Hoffmann (Konstanz), Thomas Buchner (Linz), Reinhold Reith (Salzburg): “Shadow economies and non-regular work practices in urban Europe (16th to early 20th centuries)”, University of Salzburg (17.-18.2.2006).